فارسی عربي


Iran comedy outs poster

Iran comedy 'Millipede' by Abolhassan Davoudi unveils trailer prior to public screening.

The poster for the flick produced by Reza Rakhshan has been devised by Erfan Behkar.

The film is set to public screening from Wednesday July 4, 2018 at Koroush Cinema complex in Tehran and other cinema theaters all around the country.

A brief synopsis of the flick reads 'Reza, a criminal, finds out that a rich woman who is a doctor at war veterans' hospital vows to marry a veteran. Reza is an amputee without a leg means to marry the doctor. However, a group of Mujahedin of Iran who kill the veterans take him hostage.'

Actors such as Mehran Ahmadi, Sepand Amir-Soleymani, Reza Attaran, Sara Bahrami, Mohammad-Javad Ezati, Shohreh Lorestani and Omid Rouhani, among many other famous names, are on the cast list.

